KS1 Workshops
KS1 Workshops are usually half a day long and include practical activities, interesting demonstrations and opportunities for working scientifically.
I am happy to deliver workshops aimed at any KS1 topic – if you are interested in a topic which is not listed below – just ask!
Some of my most popular workshops include:
Identifying Plants
Explore the school site and learn about a range of trees and flowering plants. Explore how plants can disperse their seeds.
Animals and Humans
Learn the names of a wide variety of animals and group them according to their characteristics. Investigate a range of real animal skulls to see what their teeth look like!
Living Things and their Habitats
Explore the local environment looking for and identifying mini-beasts. Design and build a microhabitat to encourage more mini-beasts into your school grounds.
Using Materials
Investigate a range of materials and use them to build and test different structures. Compete in teams to see who can design the strongest bridge!
The Seasons
Link different types of weather to each of the season. Use a variety of clothes to think about how we keep warm or cool. Produce a weather forecast for one of the seasons!